Microsoft 70-442 Q & A / Study Guide

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You work as a contract developer for National Retailers. You are currently working
on the online order application the National Retailers database developer has
informed you that the product parts and components will be stored in a xml data
type column. National Retailers employees are allowed to request product
information regarding a doll or action figure line by clicking a button on the Web
form. The data will only be retrieved if the employee requests details.
You need to design the appropriate data access technologies and must thus choose
the object that you need to use to store the query results for product parts and
component information.
What should you do?

A. Make use of a DataSet object.

B. Make use of an XmlElement object.

C. Make use of an XmlDocument object.

D. Make use of an XmlDocumentFragment object.

Answer: D

Explanation: An XmlDocumentFragment object can store either a well-formed
XML document or a fragment of a document. This would be consistent with the xml
data type which has the ability to store well-formed documents as well as fragments.
1. The National Retailers management wants to expand business by selling their
exclusive doll line on the company Web site
Incorrect Answers:
A: A DataSet object is used when the method returned a relational data set, akin to the
method that is generated from a SELECT statement.
B: An XmlElement object is used to store the results of a SELECT … FOR XML query,
not the contents of a single value.
C: An XmlDocument object must store well-formed XML Documents. It is thus not
compatible with the xml data type.

You work as the database developer for National Retailers. You need to optimize
the indexing strategies and are thus designing the indexes for the Sales.Orders table.
The query in the following exhibit is frequently executed, though it is not the most
commonly executed query.
SELECT Salesrepresentative, SUM(Commission)
FROM Sales.Orders
WHERE Date BETWEEN @ startDate AND @ endDate
GROUP BY Salesrepresentative
ORDER BY Salesrepresentative
You need to use the appropriate statement to create the best index to accommodate
this query.
What should you do?

A. Use the following statement:
CREATE INDEX ix_Commission
ON Sales.Orders(Salesrepresentative, Date, Commission)

B. Use the following statement:
ON Sales.Orders(Salesrepresentative, Date)

C. Use the following statement:
CREATE INDEX ix_Commission
ON Sales.Orders(Date)
INCLUDE (Salesrepresentative);

D. Use the following statement:
CREATE INDEX ix_Commission
ON Sales.Orders(Date, Salesrepresentative)
INCLUDE (Commission);

Answer: D

Explanation: The Date column is used to select the records and the
Salesrepresentative column is used to group and order the records. This means that
both these columns have to be key columns. The Date column is used in a
BETWEEN comparison, thus it should also be the first in the query. Furthermore,
it has higher selectivity than the Salesrepresentative column.
1. Sales Representatives should also be allowed to check the current commissions due to them.
Incorrect Answers:
A: The column used for equality or BETWEEN comparisons should be listed first. This
must then be followed by the most selective column, then the rest of the predicate
columns in order of decreasing selectivity. And, although it is possible that you can
create an index by using a computed column as the key column, it is recommended that
key columns be kept as narrow as possible. This means that making use of an included
column for Commission is a better option.
B: A Clustered index should have high selectivity. The Salesrepresentative column does
not have high selectivity. This means that this clustered index will not be appropriate for
any other queries done against the table like retrieving order information for instance. A
table can only have one unique index.
C: The Salesrepresentative column is used in the GROUP BY clause. Thus it would be
better suited as the key column rather than an included column. Furthermore, this is not a
covering index as it does not include Commission as an included column.

You work as the database developer for National Retailers. While busy designing
queries for the retrieval of data from XML sources, you are writing a script that
will generate an XML file to be imported into the collections application. This
application assumed XML data includes both elements and attributes.
You need to make a choice of the most appropriate type of Transact-SQL statement
to use to retrieve the data from the database.
What should you do?

A. Make use of the OPENXML Transact-SQL statement.

B. Make use of the sp_xml_preparedocument stored procedure.

C. Make use of the SELECT … FOR XML AUTO Transact-SQL statement.

D. Make use of the SELECT … FOR XML PATH Transact-SQL statement.

Answer: D

Explanation: The FOR XML PATH clause of the SELECT
statement will allow you to use XPath to define the structure for the XML data that
is returned. This structure can include both elements and attributes.
1. The Chicago office handles debt collection. All customers with an outstanding balance
over 60 days are also sent to the Chicago office. The accounting department makes use of
a collections application that imports XML data.
Incorrect Answers:
A: The OPENXML statement is used to insert XML data into relational tables. Not to
retrieve a resultant set formatted as XML from relational tables.
B: The sp_xml_preparedocument system stored procedure is used prior to calling OPENXML.
C: The FOR XML AUTO clause of the SELECT statement will generate a result set of
nested elements and as such do not make allowance for a mix of elements and attributes.

You are busy designing the database query strategy for National Retailers that will
retrieve the result set used to report on monthly sales trends. To this end you are
designing the stored procedure. This stored procedure will be used by an
application that makes use of Microsoft Visual C# .NET.
Of the requirements that you need to keep in mind is that the analysts need the
ability to retrieve a result set with approximately 100 records and scroll through
them to gather information. These analysts will need the ability to locate records
based on either factory or product I
D. They do NOT update any data. You thus
need to design the most appropriate cursor strategy for National Retailers.
What should you do?

A. Create a server-side static cursor.

B. Create a server-side dynamic cursor.

C. Create a client-side forward-only cursor.

D. Use a default result set and do not create a cursor.

Answer: D

Explanation: The Default Result Set caches all records in the result set to the client.
This will thus reduce round trips across the network to one and prevent data from
being stored in the tempdb.
1. Regularly at the end of each month, reports are generated manually and e-mailed to the
Chicago office. Monthly sales and invoice aging information is included in these reports.
Incorrect Answers:
A: If you create a Server-side static cursor it will consume server resources and require a
round-trip across the network each time the client fetches data. Furthermore the cursor
will then be stored in tempdb.
B: A Server-side dynamic cursor does require a round-trip across the network every time
a client fetches data.
C: Creating a Client-side forward-only cursor will not allow analysts to scroll through
the data the way that they require to. These cursors only support the ability to fetch the
next record and not to move to a specific record.

You work as the database developer for National Retailers. You are currently
designing the code that will retrieve the product information for the online order
application. To this end you need to determine the appropriate type of object that
you should create to return to the Web application. The Web application will
require that information such as product name, product description, and product
price information be returned in response to a search request.
What should you do?

A. Use a Transact-SQL stored procedure.

B. Use an extended stored procedure.

C. Use a table-valued user-defined function.

D. Use a Common Language Runtime (CLR) user-defined function.

Answer: A

Explanation: The online application accesses data via a Native XML Web service.
This means that you are limited to using an object that can be exposed as a Web
method. A Transact-SQL stored procedure can return the required information and
can be exposed as a Web method.
1. The National Retailers management wants to expand business by selling their
exclusive doll line on the company Web site.
2. The future online Sales application will be outsourced. NRCH-DB02 will host a
database to support the e-commerce application. The e-commerce application will make
use of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to retrieve product information and submit
Incorrect Answers:
B: An Extended stored procedure cannot be exposed as a Web method.
C: A Table-valued user-defined function cannot be exposed as a Web method.
D: A CLR user-defined function is not required because the data can be retrieved using

You are designing the error-handling routines for National Retailers. You are
creating a function that will be used to check the audit trail for the products. This
function must raise a custom error in the event of the audit trail not being
verifiable. Do bear in mind that the code to check the audit trail requires a query
and a cursor.
What should you do?

A. Use the following error-handing method:
— Perform query and open the cursor
— Run code that iterates through the cursor and checks the audit trail

B. Use the following error-handing method:
— Perform query and open the cursor
— Run code that iterates through the cursor and checks the audit trail
RAISERROR (@myCustomError, 15)

C. Use the following error-handing method:
–Perform query and open the cursor
–Fetch the first row
WHILE /*not the last row*/
IF /*Code that checks the audit trail*/
–Fetch the next row
SET @@ERROR = @myCustomError

D. Use the following error-handing method:
–Perform query and open the cursor
–Fetch the first row
WHILE /*not the last row*/
IF /*Code that checks the audit trail*/
— Fetch the next row
RAISERROR (@myCustomError, 15)

Answer: D

Explanation: You need to pass the error message back to the application via an IF
ELSE statement to check the values in a row, then calling RAISERROR in the event
of the values being invalid. The RAISERROR function will allow you to send an
error message up the calling chain.
1. Industry regulations require an audit trail for all components and parts that go into a
doll or action figure. The audit trail must be able to use the UPC number on the package
to trace all the components and parts, who supplied the components and parts, and what
date the components and parts were shipped. Components and parts information must be
entered at the time the product line is created and cannot be altered after the quality
inspection. Attempts to modify components and parts information after the inspection
time must be logged.
2. Only product lines with an intact audit trail can be shipped. If an audit trail is not
available, the product line must be destroyed. The product line application includes a
verification routine that checks a specific product line’s audit trail. The application makes
use of structured error handling to react to a product line that must be destroyed.
Incorrect Answers:
A: The requirements will not be met if you use @@ERROR after iterating through the
cursor. The @@ERROR global variable contains the error number generated by the last
statement. Thus if will only include an error number if the last statement to process the
cursor is responsible for the error.
B: Using a TRY … CATCH block within a function is not possible.
C: @@ERROR is a global variable that is automatically set by SQL Server every time a
statement executes. Thus you cannot set @@ERROR.

You are designing the error-handling routines for the National Retailers Web
application. In the event of a customer failing to enter valid payment information,
you need to send a custom error to the calling application. Furthermore, this error
message has to be localized to the user’s language. The Web application will pass the
language when it opens a connection to the database server. You thus need to decide
which would be the most appropriate way to support error messages in multiple
What should you do?

A. A CASE statement should be added to the CATCH block.
Then call RAISERROR with a different error message for each language.

B. A different error number should be used for each language version.
Then a CASE statement should be added to the trigger and call RAISERROR with
the language-specific error.

C. Add a message for each language using sp_addmessage.
A different error number should be used for each language version.
Raise the error in the @@ERROR global variable.

D. Add a message for each language using sp_addmessage.
The same error number should be used for each language version.
Call RAISERROR from the trigger.

Answer: D

Explanation: The same error numbers should be used when adding an error
message for each language. This will allow SQL Server to match the session
language to the error message language when you call RAISERROR. The
sp_addmessage stored procedure is used to add an error message.
1. The National Retailers management wants to expand business by selling their
exclusive doll line on the company Web site.
2. The future online Sales application will be outsourced. NRCH-DB02 will host a
database to support the e-commerce application. The e-commerce application will make
use of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to retrieve product information and submit
Incorrect Answers:
A: A CASE statement should not be added to the CATCH block and then call
RAISERROR with a different error message for each language. This will make
maintenance quite difficult since you will then be required to modify the code that calls
RAISERROR if a message changes or you need to add a language.
B: There is no need to use a different error number for each different language version
and then add a CASE statement to the trigger. This option will work, though it will be
difficult to maintain since the trigger will then have to be modified each time a language
is added. It will also require more programming effort instead of allowing SQL Server to
choose the right language for the error message.
C: If you raise the error in @@ERROR, then the error associated with the last statement
will be raised and not the custom error message. Also, there is no need to define a
different error number for each language version.

You are designing the error-handling routines for National Retailers. You thus need
to design the code that will validate the audit trail for a product batch.
Users that do not enjoy membership of the sysadmin role will run the
fn_ValidateBatch function. You need to use the appropriate statements to ensure
that in the event of an invalid audit trail, an error is raised to the calling application
and an event is written to the application log.
What should you do?

A. Use the following statements:
sp_addmessage (@msgnum=50888, @severity=15, @msgtext=”Batch” + @b “cannot be
RAISERROR(50888, @batchnum, WITH LOG)

B. Use the following statements:
sp_addmessage (@msgnum=50888, @severity=16, @msgtext=”Batch %b cannot be
RAISERROR (50888, WITH SETERR, @batchnum)

C. Use the following statements:
sp_addmessage (@msgnum=50888, @severity=16, @msgtext=”Batch %b cannot be
RAISERROR (50888, %batchnum)

D. Use the following statements:
sp_addmessage (@msgnum=50888, @severity=16, @msgtext=”Batch %b cannot be
RAISERROR(50888, @batchnum, WITH LOG)

E. Use the following statements:
sp_addmessage (@msgnum=50888, @severity=21, @msgtext=”Batch %b cannot be
RAISERROR(50888, @batchnum, WITH LOG)

Answer: D

Explanation: By specifying the 16 severity level, you ensure that the users who do
not belong to the sysadmin role have the ability to raise the error. Also this option
displays the correct syntax for using arguments in a message text string. By default,
only messages with a severity level of over 19 are logged to the application log. This
can be overridden by specifying WITH LOG when calling RAISERROR.
1. Industry regulations require an audit trail for all components and parts that go into a
doll or action figure. The audit trail must be able to use the UPC number on the package
to trace all the components and parts, who supplied the components and parts, and what
date the components and parts were shipped. Components and parts information must be
entered at the time the product line is created and cannot be altered after the quality
inspection. Attempts to modify components and parts information after the inspection
time must be logged.
Incorrect Answers:
A: This option would be correct except for the severity level of 15. By default, only
messages with a severity level of over 19 are logged to the application log. This option
does not offer any overriding probabilities to have the error logged to the application log.
B: This option is only partly correct. But you should not raise the error by specifying
SETERR. This will result in @ERROR and ERROR_NUMBER to be set to 50000. You
do not make use of a concatenated string to use an argument in the message text.
C: The RAISERROR (50888, $batchnum) is the incorrect syntax. A local variable starts
with an @ and not a %. Also this option will not cause the application to be logged to the
application log.
E: You should not specify a severity of 21. Messages with this severity level can only be
raised by members of the sysadminrole.

You work as the database developer for National Retailers. You are currently
designing the indexes that will be used for the OnlineSales.Customers table. The
following exhibit illustrates the most common query that will be used.
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, Zip
FROM OnlineSales.Customers
WHERE CustomerID = @emailAddress
You thus need to select the best statement that should be used to create this index
that will accommodate this query.
What should you do?

A. Use the following statement:
CREATE INDEX ix_custInfo
ON OnlineSales.Customer(CustomerID)
INCLUDE (FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, Zip);

B. Use the following statement:
CREATE INDEX ix_custInfo
ON OnlineSales.Customer(LastName, FirstName)
INCLUDE Address, City, State, Zip;

C. Use the following statement:
ON OnlineSales.Customer(CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State,

D. Use the following statement:
ON OnlineSales.Customer(CustomerID)
INCLUDE (LastName, Address, FirstName, City, Zip, State);

Answer: A

Explanation: Making use of this statement will create an index with a small unique
key that covers the entire query. For optimal performance a small key size that
includes the columns used in the
WHERE clause and other predicates or in joins are recommended. In this scenario
the only required key column would be the CustomerID column. Then you can
include the rest of the columns as non-key columns. This means that you need to
create the index as a non-clustered index because non-key included columns are not
supported for clustered indexes.
1. The National Retailers management wants to expand business by selling their
exclusive doll line on the company Web site.
Incorrect Answers:
B: This index would not be used for the query because the CustomerID column is not
listed as a key column.
C: This statement, if created will result in an index with 344 bytes in the key column.
Though it is possible, it is not optimal since it is better to create an index with a smaller
key column and included columns.
D: This is incorrect because you cannot make use of included columns in a clustered

National Retailers require a database that will support the e-commerce application.
You need to find a way to provide the e-commerce application with information
about the existing inventory. The database must determine the nearest factory that
has the product ordered in stock and send the order to that specific factory to have
it fulfilled.
You thus need to determine how the inventory information should be made
available to the e-commerce application while providing the best possible
performance when placing the order.
What should you do?

A. Query the database server at each factory using OPENROWSET from a stored
procedure run on NRCH-DB02.

B. At each factory implement an https: endpoint on the database server and expose a
Web method that checks inventory.

C. Replicate the data from the database servers at the different factories to the
NRCH-DB02 server using merge replication.

D. Use a linked server for the database server at each factory at NRCH-DB02.

Answer: C

Explanation: Using merge replication to replicate all data from the factories to
NRCH-DB02 will make the data available locally and improve query performance when
an order is placed. This is the best type of replication to use in this case because there
could be conflicts by orders placed over the Web and order places by the Sales
representatives at each factory. Also in a case where the different sites/factories are not
well-connected making use of merge replication makes sense. And in this case the
factories are connected to the Chicago office by demand-dial links.
1. The National Retailers management wants to expand business by selling their
exclusive doll line on the company Web site.
2. The future online Sales application will be outsourced. NRCH-DB02 will host a
database to support the e-commerce application. The e-commerce application will make
use of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to retrieve product information and submit
Incorrect Answers:
A: Making use of OPENROWSET to query each database server at each factory from a
stored procedure on NRCH-DB02 will result in one or more remote queries to be sent
across the network for each product ordered.
B: Making use of an https: endpoint will result in more overhead than is required. There
is already a demand-dial connection between the Chicago office and the different
factories. Thus there is no firewall that restricts incoming protocol to only https:. Making
use of a SOAP request will result in even more overhead than a remote query.
D: Making use of a linked server for the database server at each factory and performing a
remote query is not the best solution because each product that is ordered will cause at
least one, and possible more, remote queries to be sent across the network.


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IBM buys Emptoris for contract managment, supply software

IBM has signed a deal to buy supply and contract management software vendor Emptoris in another bid to fill out its growing catalog of business-to-business and business-to-consumer commerce technologies, the company announced Thursday. Terms of the deal, which is scheduled to close in the first quarter of next year, were not provided.

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The move closely follows IBM’s US$440 million purchase last week of DemandTec, maker of analytics software that retailers use to fine-tune their product offerings and pricing strategies.

Emptoris has about 725 employees and 350 customers, including ADP, Kraft and American Express. In recent years, the company suffered a US$7 million judgment against it in connection with a patent case filed by its competitor, Ariba.

IBM’s move to buy Emptoris comes shortly after the launch of a new version of the smaller company’s product suite, which it dubbed a “strategic supply management platform for the future.”

Features include an overhauled user experience, including support for many browsers, the iPad and integration with Microsoft Office; a program management module; a global repository for data regarding suppliers; and BI (business intelligence) functionality based on SAP’s Business Objects software. It’s not clear whether IBM will look to swap out the last feature with its own Cognos BI platform.

During the early and mid-2000s, Emptoris set out to be the top suite vendor for strategic sourcing, and largely succeeded, said Jason Busch managing director of advisory firm Azul Partners and editor of the Spend Matters blog.

“It was one of the best, if not the best, at that time,” said Busch. “They did a great job of convincing the market they had a better mousetrap.” Busch also competed against Emptoris years ago while working for FreeMarkets, a company acquired by Ariba in 2004.

Ariba’s patent case came at a “horrible” juncture for Emptoris, he added. “They were unable to raise the high-valuation funding rounds they were able to before,” due to the uncertainty, he said. Marlin Equity Partners took a majority stake in Emptoris in 2009.

Emptoris has since gotten back on track, Busch said. “It’s one of the stronger products in the sourcing market today.”

IBM’s announcement drew a cool reception from Tim Minahan, chief marketing officer for Ariba.

“It validates the strategy we’ve been pursuing,” he said in an interview. “We continue to compete against and have beat Emptoris quite handily in the past. This is a change in business cards for them, not much else. There’s still a lot of runway for IBM to travel. Acquiring a sourcing company isn’t going to do it. We have the world’s largest web-based trading network.”

However, IBM may really be intent on using Emptoris to compete more effectively in the procurement BPO (business process outsourcing) market, Busch said. “This certainly puts pressure on Accenture in this market, and the other significant BPOs as well, who may or may not own significant software assets.”

Meanwhile, sourcing software providers, both pure-play companies and ERP (enterprise resource planning) vendors such as Oracle and SAP, may have less to worry about. “This presents a huge opportunity for the best-of-breed as well as the ERPs,” he said. “Typically when IBM acquires software the rate of innovation is not what it was before.”

Microsoft 70-454 Q & A / Study Guide

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You are employed as a database developer at You make use of SQL Server 2008 to develop database strategies.
You are in the process of developing a strategy that has three tables named Certkingdom1, Certkingdom2, and
Certkingdom3. The Certkingdom1 and Certkingdom2 have the integer and varchar data type column types configured
respectively. Certkingdom3 has both the integer and varchar data types configured as column types.
You have configured rowlevel compression on Certkingdom1, and page-level compression on Certkingdom2 and Certkingdom3.
Which of the following describes the reason for this configuration?

A. It allows for the reduction of disk space usage, while modifying the data types in the tables of the database
B. It allows for the reduction of disk space usage without modifying the data types in the tables of the database
C. It allows for the increase of disk space usage, while modifying the data types in the tables of the database
D. It allows for the increase of disk space usage, while modifying the data types in the tables of the database

Answer: B


You are employed as a database developer at You make use of SQL Server 2008 to
develop database strategies.
You have received instructions to design a database strategy that includes a table which hosts
data imported from an outside source. This data includes a field named TransactionTime that
should be configured to make use of hh:mm:ss[.n] format.
You have been informed that the data type selected for the TransactionTime field must allow for
storage to be kept to a minimum.
You, therefore, make use of the time(1) data type.
Which of the following is TRUE with regards to the time data type?

A. The default fractional precision is 7 (100ns).
B. The default fractional precision is 3 (100ns).
C. The time produced by the time data type is not time zone aware and is based on a 24-hour clock.
D. The time produced by the time data type is time zone aware and is based on a 12-hour clock.

Answer: A,D


You are employed as a database developer at You make use of SQL Server 2008 to
develop database strategies.
You have received instructions to design a strategy that has two tables named CertkingdomVendor and
CertkingdomItem. You have configured a foreign key constraint between the CertkingdomVendor and CertkingdomItem
tables on the CertkingdomVendorID column.
You have configured the CertkingdomVendor table to display a 0 value for the CertkingdomVendorID when a
vendor is removed. You also want make sure that the CertkingdomVendorID value in the CertkingdomItem table is
set to 0 when a vendor is removed.
You then create a default constraint on the CertkingdomVendorID column in the CertkingdomItem table, which is
used to set the value to 0.
Which of the following actions should you take NEXT?

A. You should consider setting the ON DELETE property of the foreign key constraint to Null.
B. You should consider setting the ON DELETE property of the foreign key constraint to Default.
C. You should consider setting the ON DELETE property of the foreign key constraint to Cascade.
D. You should consider setting the ON DELETE property of the foreign key constraint to No Action.

Answer: B


You are employed as a database developer at You make use of a SQL Server 2008
instance to develop database strategies.
You are in the process of designing a database strategy that makes use of the Integration
Services and Microsoft Sync Framework SQL Server components.
Which of the following is TRUE with regards to the use of these components?

A. Microsoft Sync Framework allows for collaboration and offline access for applications, services, and devices.
B. Microsoft Sync Framework prevents collaboration and offline access for applications, services, and devices.
C. Integration Services allows for the merging of data from Heterogeneous Data Stores.
D. Integration Services prevents the merging of data from Heterogeneous Data Stores.

Answer: A,C


You are employed as a database developer at You make use of SQL Server 2008 to
develop database strategies.
You have received instructions to design a strategy that helps’s administration manager.
You have created three entities named User, UserTask, and UserAssignment. You have
configured the User entity to make use of the UserID attribute, the UserTask entity to make use of
the UserTaskID attribute, and the UserAssignment entity to make use of the UserAssignmentID attribute.
You have been informed that the strategy must allow for users to be assigned multiple tasks. You
also need to ensure that a task is deleted when it has been completed, and that the assignment
linked to that task is also deleted. Furthermore, a NULL value has to replace the user reference to
the user assignment as soon as a user becomes unavailable to finish a task.
Which combination of the following actions should you take? (Choose all that apply.)

A. You should consider configuring Foreign Key constraints on the UserTaskID and UserID
attributes in the UserAssignment entity.
B. You should consider configuring Foreign Key constraints on the UserTaskID and UserID
attributes in the UserTask and User entities respectively.
C. You should consider referencing the UserTask and User entities respectively.
D. You should consider referencing the UserAssignment and User entities respectively.
E. You should consider specifying the On Delete property as NULL.
F. You should consider specifying the On Delete property as Default.

Answer: A,C,E



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LG Infinia 3D LED HDTV with Smart Tv Set Analyze

The LG 47LW6500 is a brand name-new passive three or more-D flat panel tv set offering; this television set supports the company’s “LG Cinema” characteristic. The LG Cinema function is primarily based upon the inclusion of your film type patterned retarder overlaid in excess of this established’s LED exhibit. With this distinct characteristic the user is ensured prime quality photographs currently being despatched on the still left and right eye to ensure that a few-D photographs may be viewed with supreme clarity. Pictures are viewed with lgt fat, beautiful, durable, polarized three or more-D glasses that call for no batteries for operation. Of course, the LG Cinema characteristic is only a single of your quite a few highlights that may be located on this particular substantial-definition television set arranged.

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The LG 47LW6500 has an austere framework; the exterior of this tv established is jet black having a large gloss end. Around the edge with the television set is really a silver framework embellishment. The system from the television arranged has rectangular smooth corners. All connection selections are color-coded and placed within the again of the system. A few minor controls are positioned on the entrance of the device, but for the most component this tv is operated with the magic wand-like remote control. This television set can relaxation on an incorporated rectangular foundation which has a clear, square neck shaped like a cube. The bottommost portion of your base is black to match the tv system. The exhibit panel on this gadget actions 47 inches throughout.

The LG 47LW6500 features a framework that is only an inch thick. This high-definition television set offers up a panel product of seamless glass. This television set fixed has flicker no cost certification, a few-D light boost technologies, a 1080p complete large-definition several-D resolution, two-D to three-D conversion instruments, white balance controls, a number of calibration presets, Net connectivity, and it offers the individual accessibility to Intelligent TV as well as Sensible Share. Customers can access The web together with the included browser on this television fixed and this device could be connected to your personal computer. This excessive-definition tv set delivers 3-D passive technologies permitting the individual to enjoy all tv set programming in a few-D structure even though wearing passive, lgt excess weight 3-D glasses.

End users of your Panasonic tc-l32c3 review will easily appear to enjoy the motion delicate remote handle that’s bought while using unit. The fixed’s quick refresh price of 240 Hz also ensures higher-quality images whenever the set is utilized. The inclusion of your Wi-Fi dongle helps make Web connectivity uncomplicated. Access to NetCast, Intelligent TELEVISION, The web, as well as a variety of in-house functions also diversify the functions of this large-definition, flat-panel providing. This set is supplied with four pairs of passive three or more-D glasses so everyone from the spouse and children can love television set programming in three or more-D structure along.

The LG 47LW6500’s LG Cinema function is only the icing on the cake when it comes to this certain flat-panel offering. This television set established’s ease-of-use, attractiveness, and array of sophisticated technologies will undoubtedly make it a coveted HD television set for a few-D enabled television set seekers. The collection provides ease of connectivity, a generous screen measurement, a 1920 x 1080p optimum, native resolution, an impressive facet ratio of 16 to 9, and LED edgelit spine lighting technologies. You obtain all of your over-mentioned features and specifications for a single all time reduced selling price far too.

What do other folks ought to say about their activities with the LG 47LW6500?

Wise TELLY’s provide the capabilities of the computer, from a tv set arranged. It offers a multitude of companies that unusual TVs can’t. These TVs, also termed related TELEVISION SET or hybrid TV, may be the brand given to any technology that connects the characteristics of your internet with a television set arranged. It offers accessibility to apps, online games, web browsing and World-Wide-Web Protocol Tv, or iPTV.

iPTV permits consumers to view streaming video recording from the world wide web; possibly picture clips or continuous channels. Smart TELEVISION SET provides the skill to access identical content material that’s within the world-wide-web through the comfort of the residing area.

Report: Google, Intel among Chinese hacker targets

Bloomberg report says Chinese cyberspies have hit hundreds of companies, government agencies

Cyberspies from China have hit 760 companies, research institutions, ISPs and government agencies over the past decade, according to a Bloomberg article published Tuesday.

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YEAR IN REVIEW: 2011’s biggest security snafus

The Bloomberg story names a range of possible industrial espionage victims of China-based computer hacking, including technology companies such as Intel, HP, Yahoo and Salt Lake City-based iBahn, whose network services international travelers. Also on the list: Xerox division Associated Computer Systems, Volkswagen, Innovative Solutions & Support, MIT, the Italian Academic and Research Network, the California State University Network and Boston Scientific. The Bloomberg article also mentions Google, which in 2010 itself publicly disclosed an attack it indicated was likely tied to China.

The Bloomberg article doesn’t detail the exact source of its information, other than to allude to “a senior U.S. intelligence officer.” One named source for the article, Dmitri Alperovitch, head of his own firm Asymmetric Cyber Operations, says hackers launching a cyberattack from China broke into South Korean steel company POSCO in July 2006 at the time of a large business transaction related to a steel mill in China.

Additional allegedly hacked companies listed by Bloomberg but not attributed to named sources other than “intelligence data” include Danish technology company Thrane & Thrane, Abbott Laboratories, Wyeth (now part of Pfizer), Parkland Computer Center in Rockville, Md., Cypress Semiconductor, Research in Motion, Aerospace Corp. and Environmental Systems Research Institute.

Read more about security in Network World’s Security section.

SAP Business One Small ERP Package with Worldwide Availability

We often hear the question from small business owners: ‘We cannot afford expensive high-end corporate ERP solution and at the same time we are active participant in international business. Which accounting solution should we consider for implementation?’ This question is very good as it allows us to come through accounting packages and try to categorize them. First of all there are small and mid-market ERP products that are available in United States only and plus probably in English speaking countries. If you begin your research with one of the consulting firms selling product available on the USA market exclusively then they probably suggest you to pick one of the local accounting packages available in the targeted country with the option to consolidate financial statements. Good examples are Microsiga in Brazil or 1S Accounting in Russian Federation. This tandem solution theoretically should work but here you have to pay twice for software licenses, implementation consulting and probably expect some overhead in communication between your USA based consulting firm and foreign consultants who are implementing accounting for your overseas location. We would like to suggest different approach by looking at SAP B1. If you remember the history of late 1990th when such ERP vendors as Great Plains Software, Oracle and SAP were trying to introduce scaled down version of their high-end Corporate ERP packages, good example would be Small Business Financials (initially Small Business Manager) from Great Plains Software. Later on big players realized that scaling down is not an ideal solution and the development of the story was acquisition of future Business One by SAP and similar steps from other vendors:

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1. Corporate ERP Localization concept overview. If you have one of the accounting packages implemented in the United States this doesn’t automatically mean that you can deploy the same application in the overseas located office. There are hurdles associated with local country language support and compliance to business code in such areas as taxation, state and federal reporting. Here in the USA we have requirements to file 1099 to report about payments to your contractors as well as W2 to report on employee wages and taxes. United States are pretty liberal and encouraging healthy business climate. Foreign country might be more restrictive and exercise higher control including money repatriation to the States. The XXI century seems to be the century of rising China and South East Asia. Initially in earlier 1980th and through 1990th accounting packages were concentrating on North American and European markets and paying only minimal attention to China and India. Good example in Microsoft Dynamics GP or formerly known as Great Plains where Dexterity IDE doesn’t support Unicode characters (two bytes long and covering all languages including Chinese hieroglyphs)

2. SAP B1 and its position on the international Small Business ERP market. SAP policy seems to be pursuing ERP market worldwide including such countries and regions as China, Brazil, Latin America and Russian Federation. It doesn’t have issues with Unicode and supports all kind of hieroglyphs as well as its recommended managerial reporting tool Crystal Reports (SAP acquired Business Objects few years ago)

3. Version 8.8X. Here we see the merge of A and B flavors (compare to 2005A/B and 2007A/B). This might be considered as small progress however think about the way to install SB1 on central server located in the headquarters and exposed to international users via Citrix, VPN or Microsoft Terminal Server

4. Simple Discrete Manufacturing. What are you doing in the foreign countries? Typically you are manufacturing your finished goods with the destination to the European and American consumer market or you sell your products to the local consumer or in B2B environment. Business One has simple bill of materials, MRP as well as powerful Sales set of modules

5. Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904 (for international customers, where our representatives pick up the phone in Naperville and St. Joseph, MI call centers). We have local presence in Atlanta, Chicago, Southern California, South West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA, Canada, Mexico and Brazil nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). Our consultants speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese. One of our experiences is international Corporate ERP and Consolidated Financial reporting

Andrew Karasev is SAP Business One consultant and Great Plains Certified Master, MVP, MCSE and MSDBA, 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904. He is also the initiator of eFaru project https::// and founder of Alba Spectrum information space. Please note that we implement and support Dynamics GP directly through Alba Spectrum

Why Colocation Services Are Economical

Colocation centres or facilities give clients a safe place where they can house their hardware and equipment. Housing them in office premises or warehouses is simply too risky as there is always the possibility of fire, theft and vandalism. A colocation centre or facility is also a carrier hotel where a dedicated server or a fully managed server can be housed. They are also geographically positioned to attain the best internet connection possible to secure uptime and to prevent latency.

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Colocation centres or facilities have building features that are necessary for protection and risk reduction. For one, they have fire protection systems designed to protect their equipment and to minimize possible damage. These include smoke detectors, hand held fire extinguishers, fire sprinkler systems and the installation of passive fire protection elements. Usually, nineteen inch racks are provided for data equipment and servers while twenty three inch racks are provided for telecommunications equipment plus cabinets and cages that can be locked depending on how clients want to access their equipment. Air conditioning and air cooling systems are also provided to control room temperature. Physical security is also provided round the clock to protect the facility. In some facilities, employees are required to escort clients to their respective equipment and in some facilities they implement the use of biometrics or proximity cards for access. Similarly, generators and back up batteries are essential to ensure a hundred percent uptime in the event of power outages. These generators are designed to run indefinitely until the main power supply is restored to working condition. Lastly, they have multiple internal and external connections that ensure uptime in the event where a set of lines are damaged.
One great benefit a client gets from utilising colocation services is the free installation of hardware and equipment. All a client has to do is ship or deliver their equipment. Installation comes as part of a bundled service.
Another real benefit is the savings one gets from the facilities and equipment of a colocation centre. For an entrepreneur, purchasing advanced fire protection systems and hiring physical security to man the grounds at all times may not be practical especially if the business is home based. Chances are it will be more expensive to build your own data centre rather than leasing one. Provided that the servers and other equipment are yours, maintaining this equipment is still going to be more expensive because you will need generators, back up batteries and fibre optic lines to cite a few, for continuous performance. These are not exactly affordable to the average entrepreneur so colocation services are the practical solution.
To ensure round the clock uptime for your website, a colocation facility offers continuous electrical power, onsite technical support and physical security. This becomes a welcome solution for those who have to maintain and manage their equipment as this can be truly a challenging task and time consuming. If you have someone else tending to these matters for you, then you will have more time to focus on the more important aspects of your business.
Also, having your equipment elsewhere reduces many risks in the event that you cannot afford a security team or a fire protection system. Theft is a rampant crime so it is imperative that you secure your home by not having expensive and state of the art equipment. It is important that this equipment is offsite and secure in the hands of the most reliable people to avoid losses when incidents happen. Plus, colocation centres are designed to be able to respond correctly in case of fire. Trying to put off fire on your own can cause more damage to your equipment.
Lastly, colocation centres need to live up to certain standards and levels of reliability. They need to be audited to be able to function as a colocation facility. This alone gives peace of mind that the equipment is in good hands.
By utilising a highly reliable and reputable colocation services provider, it is clear that this will dramatically reduce overhead expenses for any company. The affordable costs that these services come with are merely a fraction of what one would spend in building their own housing. The internet is now a way of life and every individual entrepreneur capitalises on this fact. A website running all the time is the key to succeed in this competitive industry. To this, a fully managed server, dedicated server hosting, UK based, and colocation services can be the answer.

MSL Product Planner Shares Perspective

A few months back, Microsoft Learning Product Planner, Eamonn Kelly shared perspective on the lab experience from course 10215A: Implementing and Managing Microsoft Server Virtualization. If you have not signed up for Virtualization training, Learning Partners are offering special offers on four popular Virtualization courses this quarter. Take a look at current offers to the right.


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Eamonn’s post:

10215A released in October 2010 and in that short period time it has become one of our most popular courses in terms of positive feedback submitted via MTM. This five day server virtualization course covers a lot of technologies and functionality. At a high level it covers Hyper-V, SCVMM 2008 R2, Integration with SCOM 2008 R2, DPM 2007 Sp1 as well as RDS. So it’s a broad set of technologies and students should come away from it with a good understanding of what the options and pitfalls are when considering virtualizing a server infrastructure. As well as this, it also prepares students for the 70-659: TS: Windows Server 2008 R2, Server Virtualization exam.

The lab experience for students was one of the key drivers when designing the course and as such the requirements for the labs are above the standard spec, namely a single host running Windows server 2008 RTM. In this course the Instructor and each student require two host machines running Windows Server 2008 R2. Labs covering High Availability, in Module 9 for example, will not be able to be completed unless this is available, but this “above standard” spec does provide an excellent and real world lab experience. Definitely to be recommended to students!

I will return to post additional bogs on the actual content covered in the course both this week and next and will dig a bit deeper into the labs to try explain why decisions were made and why some items were covered as they are.

If there are any specific questions around the labs or the course feel free to post them here and I’ll try my best to answer!


Microsoft MB6-285 Q & A / Study Guide

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How can you view total invoiced amount on a customer for a specific time interval?

A. Run the report CRM/Reports/Sales Management/Internal account statement
B. Select CRM, Inquiries, Statistics
C. On the Business relations form, click Update financial on the Financials tab, and view
the field Total invoiced
D. Open Management statistics, Business relation category, select the Specific Customer
radio button, and select the respective customer

Answer: D

Using the TAPI interface you receive a telephone call. How do you register this in the
CRM module?

A. I create a new record on the Phone calls tab in either the Contact person or Business relations form
B. I create a new note document called, for example, Incoming phone calls and register
the call by creating a note of this type in the Business relations form
C. I need to register the Business relation and/or contact person in order to have the
registered on my business relation
D. The phone call is registered automatically

Answer: D

You have received a text file containing a range of possible leads which you wish to
import into the Business relations form, it also contains several contact persons for each

A. You have to select which contact persons you need to import
B. You have to enter the contact persons through the MS Excel import wizard
C. You create a number of record groups and enter each contact person with a different
record group in the File format definition
D. You are limited to a maximum of three contact persons for each business relations

Answer: C

When a contact person leaves one of your customers:

A. Create a note in the memo field on the contact person
B. Replace the former contact person with the new contact person
C. Mark the contact person as inactive
D. Delete the contact person from the system

Answer: C

To view all quotations for a specific prospect, you:

A. Enter the Management statistics form, select category Business relation and view the quotation
B. Open the Quotations form, select a quotation for the prospect, and click the Business relations button
C. Open the Workbook tab Quotations and filter for the specific prospect
D. Open the Business relations form, select the prospect, and click the Quotations button

Answer: D

To send a document from Axapta’s document handling to an Axapta e-mail group you:

A. Drop the file into your e-mail program
B. Attach the document through the E-mail distribution form
C. Save the document separately and attach it manually to the e-mail
D. Click the E-mail group button in Axapta

Answer: D

Which of the following business relation types can be imported?

A. Competitors
B. Customers, vendors and prospects
C. Customers and vendors
D. Prospects

Answer: B

From where can you NOT see the Return of investment (ROI) for a given campaign?

A. In the Management statistics form
B. In the Business relations form
C. In the Campaign form
D. In the Projects form

Answer: B

How can you make sure that your employees in your call center follow a consistent questioning technique?

A. Create a Questionnaire and attach it to the call list
B. Add a detailed media description to the campaign
C. Detail the questioning technique in the Encyclopedia
D. Attach a Microsoft Word document to the call list with specific questions on it using Document Handling

Answer: A

How do you synchronize the contact persons from one business relation in Axapta to MS Outlook

A. You have to synchronize all the contacts
B. Open the menu item Periodic, MS Outlook synchronization, Synchronize contact
person to Outlook, and select Business relation contacts
C. Select the import field on the individual contact persons in the Contact persons form and select Synchronize
D. Select the business relation in the Business relation form and click the Synchronize button

Answer: B

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Microsoft 70-236 Q & A / Study Guide

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You work as the Exchange Administrator at The network has an Exchange
Server 2007 infrastructure.
The network contains a mailbox named TestResources. At present all users are able to diarize
appointments for TestResources. A new company policy states that only Kara Lang and Mia
Hamm are permitted to diarize appointments for TestResources.
What actions must you take to comply with the policy?

A. You should run the following cmdlet:
Set- MailboxCalendarSettings – Identity”TestResources” – MonthCalendar calendar = new
MonthCalendar(); KaraLang , MiaHamm.
B. You should run the following cmdlet:
Set-MailboxCalendarSettings – Identity ” TestResources” – BookInPolicy KaraLang , MiaHamm –
AllBookInPolicy $false cmdlet.
C. You should run the following cmdlet:
Set – MonthCalendar calendar = new MonthCalendar(); “host.KaraLang , MiaHamm = calendar ”
this.Content = host;.
D. You should run the following cmdlet:
Set – MonthCalendar calendar = new MonthCalendar();
HwndSource source = HwndSource.FromHwnd(calendar.Handle);
this.Content = calendar;Delegates KaraLang , MiaHamm.

Answer: B


You work as the Exchange Administrator at The network has an Exchange
Server 2007 environment. has headquarters in London and branch offices in Paris and
Berlin. The marketing department is located at the Paris office. The personnel in Paris connect to
the network through the Internet and use Outlook Anywhere on their laptops. To ensure
productivity management wants you to make sure that the marketing personnel have access to the
companies’ mailboxes.
What actions must you take?

A. You should utilize the Test- MAPIConnectivity and the Test- WebServicesConnectivity cmdlet.
B. You should utilize Get- Recipient – Filter cmdlet.
C. You should utilize Show-MailboxStatistics cmdlet.
D. You should utilize List-Mailbox cmdlet.

Answer: A


You work as the Exchange administrator at The network has an Exchange
Server 2007 environment. The network has an Exchange Server 2007 environment.
The Edge Transport Server role is installed on a server named Certkingdom-EX01. Due to this server
failure, you have decided to install a new Microsoft Windows Server 2003 server named CertkingdomEX03
on the network with the reinstallation of the Edge Transport Server role. However, the
address rewrites that was functional on Certkingdom-EX01 did not in operation on Certkingdom-EX03. This
functionality is needed.
What actions must you take?

A. You should use the ImportEdgeConfig.ps1 on Certkingdom-EX03.
B. You should use the iiscnfg/enable: application name check version.
C. You should use the Transaction Logs for sp_configure configuration.
D. You should use create a new Send connector on Certkingdom-EX03.

Answer: A


You work as the Exchange administrator at has headquarters in London and
a branch office in Paris. The Exchange Server 2007 server in the London office is named CertkingdomEX07
and the Exchange Server 2003 server in the London office is named Certkingdom-EX08. You need
to transfer the mailbox from Certkingdom-EX07 to Certkingdom-EX08.
What actions must you take?

A. You should include the IgnoreRuleLimitErrors parameter when using the Move-Mailbox cmdlet.
B. You should use the System configuration data collector.
C. You should create a mapping schema definition.
D. You should enable the Windows Remote Management (WinRM).

Answer: A


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You work as the Exchange administrator at has its headquarters in Chicago
and a branch office in Dallas. You are implementing a new Exchange Server 2007 Organization.
The Exchange Server 2007 environment of has the following server installed:
• An Edge Transport server named Certkingdom-EX01
• A Hub Transport server named Certkingdom-EX02.
During the course of the day you have received instruction from the CIO to have e-mail routing
configured on Certkingdom-EX01 and Certkingdom-EX02. In your solution you need to ensure that Certkingdom-EX01 is
able to transmit e-mail messages to and from the Internet. You should also ensure that Internet email
is sent to Certkingdom-EX01 via Certkingdom-EX02.
What actions must you take?

A. You should use the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).
B. You should export a new Edge Subscription file to Certkingdom-EX01 and Import the Edge Subscription
file to Certkingdom-EX02.
C. You should use the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM).
D. You should use the Microsoft Exchange Internet Message Access Protocol, Version 4 (IMAP4).

Answer: B


You work as the Exchange administrator at The network has an Exchange
Server 2007 environment.
You were compelled to restore the directory objects and settings from a backup. However, after
the restoration a number of employees reported that they are unable to access their mailboxes
that were assigned to them before the backup was made. The employees need to access their
What actions must you take?

A. You should use the Get-Mailbox cmdlet.
B. You should use the Get-MailboxInformation cmdlet.
C. You should use the Connect-Mailbox cmdlet.
D. You should use the Show-Information cmdlet.

Answer: C


You work as the Exchange administrator at The network has an Exchange
Server 2007 environment.
During routine maintenance of the Exchange server you discover that the storage limits are all
different in the mailboxes.
What actions must you take to ensure that the storage limits to be the same?

A. You should use the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet and forward it to the Get-Mailbox cmdlet.
B. You should use the Show-MailboxStatistics cmdlet and forward it to the Select-Object cmdlet.
C. You should use the Get-MailboxInformation cmdlet and forward it to the Select-Object cmdlet.
D. You should create an Exchange Management Shell script and forward the Get-Mailbox
Database cmdlet output to the Set-Mailbox Database cmdlet.

Answer: D


You work as the Exchange administrator at The network has an Exchange
Server 2007 environment. The network contains a stand-alone server named CertkingdomSR09.
Your boss, CertKingdom, wants to know which Exchange Server 2007 server role can Certkingdom-SR09
What would you reply?

A. It can support the Terminal Service Session Broker (TS Session Broker) role.
B. It can support the Edge Transport server role.
C. It can support the PDC emulator role.
D. It can support the Exchange Recipient Administrators role.

Answer: B


You work as the Exchange Administrator at The network has an Exchange
Server 2007 infrastructure that has two Client Access Servers with load balancing.
The employees on the intranet has 24/7 access to data when utilizing Outlook Anywhere. During
the course of the day you have received instruction from the CIO to ensure that the employees
who connect to the Exchange infrastructure via the IUnernet also have access to data 24/7.
What actions must you take?

A. You should enable the Microsoft Exchange Information Store.
B. You should enable the Microsoft Exchange Search Service.
C. You should set the external URL on every Client Access Server.
D. You should enable the Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service.

Answer: C


You work as the Exchange administrator at The network has an Exchange
Server 2007 environment.
You have received several complaints from employees in various departments stating that e-mail
messages are ending up in their Junk E-mail folder even though the sender’s e-mail address is on
their Safe Senders List. You need to ensure that the employees’ Safe Senders Lists are used.
What actions must you take?

A. You should modify the SMTP Send connectors.
B. You should utilize the Get-Mailbox cmdlet.
C. You should utilize the Show-Information cmdlet.
D. You should utilize the Update-SafeList cmdlet on each mailbox.

Answer: D
